Friday, March 21, 2008

How Not To Write A Report

[On reading assigned articles and writing the Ethics Report]
R: ...I can't write.
S: ...I can't read.
R: We're so sad.
S: We're illiterate!

Writing Tips From The World's Biggest Procrastinator


Use the word kamikaze, or later, too much. You'll end up pushing everything to the farthest corners of the earth, watch five million Disney movies (and/or Disney-Pixar) and deny that you ever had work to do in the first place. The key to success is knowing when to kamikaze -- and that is usually, if not normally, five minutes after a test or an assignment is due. Save your kamikazes. Save your madness. Save your spewing, rabid behaviour for after major assignments. The word "kamikaze" has a tendency to skew the remainder of what your report, or the whole of it, depending on how you look at it. If you decide that you're in writing mode -- do it. Just don't kamikaze. It's not recommendable. At all.

"Pretend I'm fascinated with the subject matter and keep working."

A little acting never hurt anyone, really. If you pretend that you like something enough, eventually you'll believe in your lie, pick up the pace, tighten that belt and get a crack-a-lacking. Sometimes all you really need is the belief in an assignment. Conviction is key to actually getting things done. You can bribe yourself with five-minute sugar-highs (i.e. sour keys and jujubes), or you can opt to do something incredibly amusing afterwards (i.e. have a Alfred Hitchcock movie marathon)... So long as you get something done. Sometimes it's hard to get work done, so making it a stipulation doesn't make your case any better. It just makes it worse. If you're convinced that you really want to get this done and in the process, you want to learn something and develop your bullshit skills -- write that report with the utmost conviction. You are a superstar. You are a journalist. Now get to it.

But hey, don't take my word for it.
If making work a chore and kamikaze-ing your life away works for you... Do it.
I just don't think it's optimist-friendly, not in this universe at least.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Studying Tips From The World's Worst Student

"Sweetness, sweetness never suited me."
-- Stars (Midnight Coward, In Our Bedroom After The War)

Studying Tips From The World's Worst Student

"Drink coffee in sporadic, copious amounts."

The last time I did this, I think my heart went into overdrive. My nerves were beyond repair and I was, not bouncing off the walls but, in this living-dreaming state. I'm going to compare it to high-like feelings and something on the lines of bungee-jumping, without the cord. For one thing, you're super-focused, but for another, you're completely bonkers. Studying credit. Health demerits. Equates to nothing at all, really.

"Watch movies, take a break, take a breather here in there."

I believe this is best called procrastination for studious students, but for the semi-studious or the not-so-studious, this is a regular. Do something for yourself; being cooped up in your room really needs to nothing but hysteria. A bit of reality is needed, and yes, that reality lies in something completely bogus, like Harry Potter. Get out of your 'work world' and slip into another one for a moment. It doesn't hurt to rest. Mental state regained. Fun in life restored. Major plus, really.

But hey. Don't take my word for it.
If studying like a beast hooked on caffeine works wonders for you -- do it.
I just don't think it's healthy, in the long run, that is.