The End;
First year is done. First year is kaput, over, finished. The many questions we held in our noggins ought to be have been answered; the what-now, where's-that, and hows of the the pre-post-secondary lifestyle should no longer be unfathomable. The summer awaits us, as well as a two-month cleansing period. The end is nigh, but so are possibilities to wrap up loose ends. Despite the high probability that we'll forget half of what we gained, we will continue to learn. Learn from our mistakes. Learn from our experiences. We'll take something away. The first test you bombed? You'll learn from it. The first test you aced? You'll gain valuable lessons. The first time you pulled an all-nighter? You'll learn that it's not physically healthy. The first time you got lost on campus? You've learned your routes and paths. All of your firsts are over with, and so your seconds should be better. Much better. Much more refined. The end isn't anything but another beginning. So take it in stride.
The Beginning;
Go ahead. Rid yourself of useless knowledge or unbearable stresses. Go party. Play safe. Live life. Work hard. Earn money. Do whatever pleases you -- but remember when you return, come September, you'll have to start yourself up again. So don't make a fool of yourself. Take this new beginning as a second chance to refine your skills, refurbish your weaknesses and find yourself. That's really all you can do.
Or you don't have to.
But that's your call, isn't it?
Over and out.
Peace and order.
Love, garlic and cheese.
Farewell first year.