Monday, December 24, 2007

First Term: Soundtrack for Fall Term 2007 (and Merry Christmas!)

"Every time you suppress some part of yourself or allow others to play you small,
you are in essence ignoring the owner's manual
your creator gave you and destroying your design."
-- Oprah Winfrey

I felt particularly creative last week, so I created a soundtrack (disc and all).
Really, it's just a compilation of the songs that were on repeat on my iPod this term.
They reflect on the emotions that ran through me at that period.
If you must know, the songs are chronologically ordered.
Not in terms of their release, but in regards to how I felt and at what part of the term.

If you're feeling up to looking up music, check out the playlist.
See if it suits you in any way.
I'm going to repost the list if it's too difficult to see on the file (click the thumbnail).

Merry Christmas to all. I'll be out of the city for two or so days.
Rest up, chin up and play it safe. Brain cells are of the utmost importance!

Adios, ciao, a bientot, and all that jazz.
Will have pictures of snow and restfulness up before/by the New Year.

Note: All images are (c) Suzette Llacer. Yes; those are her shoes, her UTSG calendar and fifteen-minute handiwork on Corel (her Adobe's on another laptop). Fancy them much?

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