Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Global warming, exams, and brain meltdowns.

Besides the fact that there will be a CHM139 exam on Friday May 2nd; besides the fact that I ought to be studying my bloody brains out; besides the fact that I'm incredibly tired and sick and I can't taste my food -- I managed to go on YouTube and decided to spread the message. I don't know why, but I felt like it. To top things all off, now don't tell the folks about this, I'm thinking of joining Greenpeace. What would they say? They'd probably shake their heads at me and lock me up forever, but hey. Right now. I'm feeling pretty edgy, pretty optimistic and in nearly-there-2-exams-left summer mode. Oh curse U of T and their ultra-late schedules. Had this NOT been the case, I wonder what I'd be thinking/doing right now. Probably something more productive. Yipes, I'm rambling. Again. For the fiftieth time this morning. First with the lack of milk and my coffee issues, and now with... Well. Whatever I was rambling about.

Go study.
"Ay, ay, captain!"

I can't hear you.
"AY, AY! Captain!"

(Oh ix-nay on the Ongebob-Say.)

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