Wednesday, February 27, 2008

BIO150: Term Test 3 and 3 cups of coffee.

"Uh, let’s get back to the test please.
What mathy stuff do I need to know?"
-- Prof James Thomson (Study Guide)

I think after the term test, I'll be posting something like "How To" or "How Not To" -- it'll be fun for me and a great way to alleviate stresses caused by the BIO150 test (tomorrow) forget about the miserable CHM139 test (I don't know how many of you checked your marks, but wow; that was probably the worst or best move -- depending on your mark). I haven't checked mine yet and I plan to keep it that way. Why do that to yourself before two major and upcoming tests? Be logical, folks.

I think the first of my "Hows" will be "How Not To Study," which I'm so good at doing. The bad-method of studying, I mean (which can sometimes be nonexistent, which is also very terrible). But for tonight, I think a good 3-cups of coffee (in spaced intervals -- not like what I did the last time, which was 2 huge mugs in 1 hour, which was a tremendously terrible decision) will suffice.

Till 2:00AM then!

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