Monday, February 11, 2008

GPA: Are you willing to work for it?

"The big secret in life is that there is no big secret.
Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work."
-- Oprah Winfrey

Touchy subject, much? Yeah. I know. It's terrible to bring this topic up, but as you approach the midterm of a second term, of a deathly term, of first year -- you have to wonder and worry if you did enough, if you did well, if you did so and so. So yes. GPA matters. The wellness of such an acronym comes naturally to some, comes with work for others, and sometimes, it just feels like it will never come. Don't lose faith. I certainly can't/won't/shouldn't. If I was that easy to push around, I'm pretty sure I would have given up long time ago and just gone straight in another direction.

GPA. Are you willing to work for it? I know a lot of people say they're working hard for a decent, or a better one, and I'm not going to doubt you. Each person has their personal threshold of work ethic and so forth, but I'm pretty sure perfection is possible. I'm pretty sure a 4.0 is possible. I'm pretty sure that a 2.7 can go to a 4.0, if you try hard enough. Key word is try. How often do we do that? We whine. We complain. We nitpick at all the bad points in the course -- yet instead of making peace with our downfalls and learning from them, we wage verbal and mental wars. Our only enemy in this, is ourself. We are the only impediment to our success.

So yes. I am willing to work for it.

I paid a good effin' sum to come here, to this U of T menagerie of minds...
And so I think I milk it for what it's worth and get my well-deserved mark.

Peace out? Perhaps.

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